Friday, November 14, 2008

What doth a title do?

It's been three weeks. I haven't updated. I don't have anything interesting handy to post. So, I present to you [in surround sound, where available] this 'article' I wrote and sent to JLT a while ago. It was supposed to showcase my writing ability. My writing skillz.
Needless to say, I didn't even get an acknowledgment e-mail. I haven't edited it to make it better. Have fun, you guys.


When I’m rich and famous, I will give lots of interviews.

“It’s what we rich people do to stay famous” is what I will be famously quoted as saying in an interview. I’m pretty sure it’s the only famous thing I’m going to say. The only other thing I can say with any degree of confidence is that I suck at making decisions.

Most interviews would follow this general theme:

Question: “If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?”

Answer: “Ah, I want to become more decisive and not waste my precious time over such trivial questions like: ‘You want fries like that?’ Ooh, on the other hand, it would be awesome if I could be a little taller than I am. Err, let me think… mm… one minute. Aha, got it. No wait…”

Alright, back to the present.

Considering that, if I’m told, “Hey! Write something about anything.” you can safely bet that this is the end of my dream of becoming a writer.

Now usually, I would have given up, moved on to more boring stuff and when asked about my stint as a writer, acted cool.

However, I didn’t count on one thing: How insanely boring boredom can be. Recalling something about how a true man turns his weakness into strength and armed with quotes like “Don’t judge a book by its movie”, here I am. (Rock you like only I can (because, you know, I’m unique. Just like everyone else.) (Yep, another one of those quotes.) So, after spending an hour debating on the extremely hot topic ‘Which pen do I use to pen down my extremely creative, thought provoking yet witty thoughts?’ and picking one that refused to work, I started writing.


So, I finally got off my arse and did something constructive. OK, so even if I didn’t get off my arse, at least I did something. Now that I’ve started doing stuff, I think I’ll solve the energy crisis facing the world and find cures for diseases like cancer and AIDS. Yes, be prepared for new, path breaking developments. As soon as I figure out which problem to tackle first.

Oh and for the people who ‘safely bet’ on me never making it as a writer, “Gambling is bad. Mmkay…”

PS: I spent over 4 hours trying to come up with an appropriate starting for this. Writer’s block? I think not. Or maybe it was writer’s block. I don’t know.

In other news, I now have a follower. And I must say, he is the most admirable, smart, intelligent, handsome [insert 20 adjectives of your own choice here] person I know.
Ok bai.