Saturday, July 26, 2008

I forgot to give this a title but then saw my mistake and rectified it. huh huh rectified.

I think I'll treat POOP as a separate character.
Yes, he will become a much loved and adored personality among the regular viewers of the blog. [I already like him.] Plus, I can have conversations with him. No, this is NOT like having an imaginary friend.

POOP: I read that last post. It was horrible. You don't need to compensate for your lack of self esteem by acting like an arrogant, whimsical um, person who is opinionated about himself. Plus it was waay too long and windy. Also, it had no point whatsoever. The only thing which might redeem it is that it introduces a much loved and adored character to the public. Indeed. Bloke.

Me: Oh POOP, you incorrigible blighter, you.
-Offers POOP a playful punch on the cheek-

Hmm... POOP has a variety of personalities. In addition to a british accent. Back then, he was speaking in a robotic yet critical voice. With a british accent. Talented? Yes.

POOP: "I deserve more respect." -adjusts his monocle-

Me: "Ok, Mr. POOP."
Mr POOP: "Better."

I see Mr POOP as a giant, steely robot. Wearing a top hat, a monocle, a bushy moustache and a perplexed yet sour expression on his face. And one of his eyebrows is perpetually raised. I have this vague feeling that I'm being a "talentless hack" but I can't recall where I got my inspiration from. So I'm going to act like Mr POOP is a perfectly original and awe inspiring creation of my fertile mind.

For all I know, he might as well be. Um, a perfectly original and awe inspiring creation of my fertile mind.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Hmm... Someone told me that a blog should cater to a particular audience. A good blog should be about 'something'. OK, so no one 'told' me anything. I vaguely remember reading something of that sort right after I made my first post. On the net. Yes.

Well, alrighty then, this blog is going to be about something, I thought. This blog is going to make a difference in people's lives, bring joy to their miserable and sad existences, is what I told myself. Hold on a minute, I replied, but you need to be an expert on something to blog about it. [Hee hee, I forgot to put a space between 'about' and 'it'. (C'mon,you guys, giggle!)] Then I looked the camera full in its lens with an expression of irony and intelligence on my face, [I can't help but have the expression of intelligence, you know] and slowly raised the right eyebrow just a tiny tantalising bit.
I reasoned that the thing I know best about is myself.
How convenient, I'll just blog about myself and whatever else I feel like blogging about.

So, this is my blog and what that means is that I get full creative freedom. I can be boring and just say that that's exactly the impression I wanted to create. That, that. That th-that.

Hurray, so we have a 'purpose' now. Maybe I'll think of a mission statement later. That'll attract all the well dressed entrepreneurs who eat in fancy restaurants and settle the bill with their flashy plati-titanium cards. [Snigger?]

Next on the agenda, I'm going to build up a small but faithful fan-following of sorts. To do that, I will go to random blogs, armed with compliments and a friendly demeanor, and woo everyone to my blog. But... won't they read this and...
Okay, talking to yourself is easy. But then transcribing it is kinda tough. [Specially if the person doing the talking to himself is smart and capable of making huge leaps of logic and likes making things confusing for others [even though there are no others]]For me. So what we get is a 'guy' called Point-er Out-er Of Problems. Or, in short, POOP.
POOP: "Say, fellow, won't the people you invite here with your insincere compliments read all this and stomp off... without leaving any comments? And more importantly, without accepting your friendship?"

Hmm... well, thats a risk I'm willing to take. Because this is MY blog and I can do what I want. Also, POOP has a british accent. A funny british accent.

POOP: "OK, chappie, by the way, no one likes to read a long post unless it is funny, has some entertaining value or is informative."

Oh, OK.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hello World

I have a blog. And a keen sense of observation. Along with a stale sense of humour.

So, I've been thinking. And then I forget what I've been thinking about. Later on, I manage to convince myself (yes, my future self. What is this, an SF blog?) that whatever I've been thinking about was a highly original and creative thought-stream. Then, I despair at the great loss that the world has suffered. But the world, in general, doesn't seem to care. But I care. And this is the place where I'll note down my thoughts for Future Me's future reference. If I can manage to find a computer, switch it on and type it all out before I forget.
I'm writing this for my benefit but it would be really great in case someone else reads this and comments on what I've written. It could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Similar to how beautiful flowers blossom. Beautifully.
Yaknow, just saying.