Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hey, who switched on the discovery channel?

>What do I want?
-I don't know.

>What do I want?
-um, I don't know.

>What do I want? What would make me happier? When I day dream, whats the foundation for my air-castles?
-er, clouds?
Ok, what I want is to be a freaking amazing person. A master of all trades. I want to be the best at everything I like. And yeah, there are quite a few things I like. I want a pretty active social life. I want to go to a great college. One that has lots of extra-curricular activities. [Nope, this one doesn't] I don't want to feel embarrassed or conscious about doing anything or taking part in any activity i WANT to take a part in. Yes, lots of friends. Who actually like me. heh.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have wasted pretty much all of my life so far.
The three years doing engineering could definitely have been a fuckload better. With a capital F, even. I still got one more to go. I want to become intensely interested in 'attaining knowledge', go to all the good technical fests and win stuff.
didn'tLooks like I'm all set to waste away another year. And then I'll take up any stupid job I get coz I work hard enough to get admission in a good college for higher studies.
I suck. And I'm going to suck even harder in the future.
I didn't smile even a little bit when I typed out that last line.

It's my life and I'll live it the way I want to. But how?


  1. Heavy heavy, mate.
    Slow down a bit. Like that dude in the sunscreen song says, 'some of the most interesting people I know are 40 years old and STILL don't know what to do with their lives.'

    You'll get there. When you're 80. If you live to be that old.

    Otherwise you just do your own thang, fuck the world and kill yourself with cyanide when you hit 30.
    Oblivion must be bliss.

    And please take the *stupid* word verification off if you want more comments. I NEVER get it right. *hmph*

  2. Omigosh.
    Hello poe
    It worked!

    Anyway, I hear the average life expectancy for an Indian is 65.
    And I'm not cool enough to just do my own thang. thang. thang.

    And I'll only kill myself if I have some assured way of bringing myself back to life. Just in case....

    Word verification? A think of the past. ah ha ha.
    Customer satisfaction. Gua-rant-eed.

  3. *cue the shriek of EUREKA!*

    65, really? Jeez. I'm gonna stick to the die-when-im-30 business.
    Why the hell would you want to come back to life? Stupid *world* and it's stupid people.

    apparently writing this blog is your 'thang'. But then again what do I know, I'm just some random eedjit.

  4. What if I don't like whatever happens after I die?

    My life is the one thing I'll have as long as I live. [oh yes.]

    But then, you are just being funny.

    Also, whats an eedjit?

  5. Wow. I heard the sunscreen song you werre talking about a long time ago for the first time a couple of days ago.

    Then, I suddenly remembered about this blog I used to do an hour ago.

    Here I am, going through the old posts and your comment pops up!
    Oooo, makes me wonder.


Comment form message:
I want your comment. I need it and I crave it.