Saturday, August 2, 2008

One title can't cover it all.

People go on [well, people I know] about how you need to have an 'aim', a 'mission' in life. A goal. A target. Have an... an objective. Something which you must attain.

Well, I don't have any goals set for me.
I just have this vague idea that I want to be happy. And healthy. Thats it.

I think that HAPPY is the most 'loaded' word in the language. The English language. Hey, what could cause this sudden onslaught of anger and... hunger.

Ok, if I could have one thing and just one thing, it would be happiness. But to have that one thing, the ever so elusive happiness, a huge variety of things have to fall into place. In fact, I believe that the only thing which makes a person what he/she is is 'The pursuit of happiness'. I really should see that movie. This should be my motto in life. "The pursuit of happiness".

I would have come up with this phrase even if I hadn't heard of this movie.
It kinda sucks how every thing I ever think or say or do has already been thought of, said, done and heck, even written about by someone before me. And the someone did a much better job than I can even think of doing.
I was born in the wrong age. Fuck, I could have invented the wheel. That would have been easy.
Caveman Me:"Hey, hows it rolling, fellas?"
"Wait a minute... did I just say rolling? Now, I'll be damned, but does that give me an idea!"

That would have made me famous. The most famous and influential person ever. And loved by chicks. Wild, cavewoman chicks.
But nope, I just had to be born in the 21st century.
And hey, guess what, people have thought of this too. Before me.

But I digress. So lets regress.
I want to be happy. But the question is, how does one become happy. And once happy, how do you stay in that state for the rest of your blissful life?
I'm sure the answer involves money. And 'true love'. And lots of loving, caring, attentive people around you. Who can actually figure out when you are trying to be funny and when you aren't. And an abundant source of funny and funny/slightly embarrassing stories and anecdotes.

Which makes me think. If we want to model a robot on a human being, we should program it so that it does whatever makes it 'happy'. Original thought? Heck no.
I feel like saying, "Curses! Foiled again!"
But then I'll get a lot of people saying, "Meh. Been there, done that."
To which I'll reply, "Yeah? Well, I couldn't have thought of the phrase on my own anyway."
Then everyone will look at me disgustedly and walk away. Leaving me alone. Lonely. Sad.

I would feel happy if I could write a totally original novel, or maybe direct a completely different movie. And it gets appreciated. A whole lot.
But to do that, I need to get a good job so that I have 'financial stability'. Plus, I don't want to let people down.
So, I have to get admitted to a great college for doing my masters. The best.
But do I want to do an M.Tech or an MBA?
Or an MBA after an M.Tech?

"Make a decision and stick to it."
Heh, not so easy when the decision defines what your life is going to be.


  1. "The pursuit of happiness"- is one of the rights of an America citizen as stated in the American Constitution.

    They're all lying, y'know. People who have goals get fucked over because life never goes the way they want it to and people who don't, have no expectations and hence don't get too let down if they don't get somewhere. Did that make sense?

    People are overrated. Really, you could do without their company.
    Money is good. Money buys you happiness, if only of the temporary variety.
    Get money, be happy. Get substances to abuse, and forget.

    Jeez I'm going to stop sounding so cynical now.

    Oh, by the bye: 'curses! foiled again!'
    I truly LOVE saying that :D

    And whatever happened to POOP?

  2. Here I am.


    Um, I mean "that's preposterous."

  3. *groupie scream*

    They love you MR poop, they really do.

    You should go to basketball games, yes. It's a fun thing to do.

    Also, Maggie is the SHIT. And she did not look sick. Not VERY, anyway.

    Also also, I'm not.
    Tall, that is.
    I'm short.
    5'2. Or 3. I dunno.

  4. 1 year ago, I'd have something really witty and great to say about your blog. Anywho, it was Naice.

  5. Heya cancerchic,
    I can imagine it's one year ago right now.
    Now plees say something really witty and great!

    And I get it, sorry...


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